
Monday, December 20, 2010

Broccoli, Cheese & Rice in Crescent POCKETS

I remember when Broccoli in Cheese Sauce was the most popular side dish in every home across America.

I remember when people would say "Sure, I eat broccoli, if it's covered with cheese sauce"!

What ever happened to that? 

I'll tell ya what happened to it.

Along came stuff like,  The Biggest Loser..... Dr. Oz....... Jamie Oliver......Trans Fat.....Saturated Fat.....Super Size Me......High Fructose Corn Syrup........COME ON PEOPLE!

It's Calorie Count Overload!

It makes you afraid to even eat anything.

Sometimes, a person has to have Broccoli with that "fearful"  Cheese Sauce.

These little broccoli, cheese & rice pockets are wonderful little side dishes.

And this is how I make them.  Cheese sauce and all.

1 package Green Giant Broccoli & Cheese Sauce in pouch (10 ounce)
1 bag Success Rice Boil in Bag
1 roll Crescent Rolls (Seamless Dough Sheet)
1/2 c. Parmesan Cheese
Salt & Pepper
Melted Butter (enough to brush the tops of the pockets)

Let me start by saying, feel free to use other fillings, like fresh steamed broccoli and shredded cheese.
Or brown rice instead of white rice.  But today, since I'm really in a hurry, and just because I want to defy the TV shows, I'm using the Broccoli & Cheese pouch.

This recipe makes 4 pockets, and if you're one of the calorie counters, and are afraid of the cheese sauce, just remember, this makes FOUR.  So it's not like you are eating the entire pouch.

Get out two pans, and fill with water.
In one pan, drop in your frozen broccoli & cheese sauce pouch, and turn the heat up high to get that water boiling.

In the other pan, drop in your Success Rice pouch.

I like to use these little rice "boil in bag" pouches when I'm in a hurry.  If you have not used them before, they really are handy.  But feel free to make Minute Rice, or whatever sort of rice you like.  This is just a nice quick way to make rice if you are going to use it as a "filler" for a recipe.

It's quite handy.  The little pouch has holes in it, and looks like this:

Not get your Broccoli Pouch and Rice Pouch boiling.

In the meantime, get out a large cookie sheet. and spray with Pam.

Take your Crescent Roll Sheet and spread out onto the cookie sheet.

I use my jelly roll/sheet cake pan.

It should look like this once you've spread it all out.

Now, carefully score the dough, into four squares as shown below:

Once the broccoli & rice have finished boiling,  open the pouches and combine them into one large bowl.
NOTE:  I DO NOT USE the entire pouch of rice.  I leave about 1/4 of the rice out, because it seems to be too much rice in ratio to the broccoli & cheese.

I just pour the extra rice in my doggies food bowl.  They love white rice.

Mix up the Broccoli & Cheese with the rice.

Spoon the mixture evenly onto the four little Crescent squares.

Once you have done this, sprinkle each square with a little salt and pepper and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

Fold these little pockets over, and then crimp the edges with the tines of a fork.

Brush the little pockets with a bit of melted butter, and then sprinkle the top with a bit more Parmesan Cheese.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 19 minutes.  Keep checking, so they don't get too brown.

Oh these little guys are so good.

Great with grilled chicken, or a slice of meatloaf, or a pork chop.

Sometimes ya just gotta forego the roasted veggies, and head straight to the stuff covered in cheese!

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